Posts tagged ugly shoes

Shoes to make you Gagag

Shoes to make you Gagag

Lady Gaga has always tried so hard to push the limits with fashion. She definitely accomplishes that and more with these gravity-defying, symptoms nine-inch platforms by Japanese accessories designer Noritaka Tatehana. Talk about thinking outside of the box.

Free Pass to Jail

Free Pass to Jail

These should be in Monopoly jail. Here is a rad pair of Monopoly reebok shoes – advance to boardwalk?? (I actually like them). Monopoly’s 75th anniversary was last month.

Bridal shoes to send you running for the hills

I didn’t think there would be something worse than poofy bride’s dresses. I was wrong. The Lovely Bride has a line of bridal sneakers that takes tacky wedding paraphernalia to another level. MamaPop says they’re for when you want your feet to look like a... [+]

Literally, Crappy Shoes

Literally, Crappy Shoes

Where to start with these? They are shoes made out of elephant poo… Need I say more? If you’re too curious or too grossed out, generic Highsnobette tells the story of the origin of these shoes. They were conceived by an artist called INSA for... [+]

Shoes Bone-in

Shoes Bone-in

Now when you walk, health   you can show off your bones, your bone heels that is. And because they are so “fabulous“, they are modestly priced at $1495 by DSquared.

Foot stools

Foot stools

In case your feet get jealous of your behind for having a chair to sit on, what is ed here are stools that you can wear on your feet.

Ties for your feet

Ties for your feet

In touch with your masculine side? Not so much, viagra buy ladies.

Hoof and gun disease

Hoof and gun disease

These cows were probably styled by Jeff Koons, drugs like he did the Michael Jackson sculpture. It makes for an interesting art piece but, actually wearing these, is another story.

Even Gwenyth can’t get away with it

Just because you’re beautiful and famous doesn’t mean you can get away with wearing ugly shoes. That just means they will stand out more.

There is such a thing as too much

Alexander McQueen does it again. Now he chose to take all his scrap jewelry and put it on a shoe. Not so much.